A clutter-free and organised home

With my Professional Organiser services, we work together to declutter your space and make your home work for you and your lifestyle.

Sorting through your belongings, only keeping what you love and/or need.

Organising effective and homely storage solutions.

I’ll support you with all of this during our one-on-one sessions and it will transform your house into a calm, clutter-free home.

Is this you?

• Is there too much clutter in your home, or simply more belongings than storage space?

• Have you already started decluttering your home and you’ve seen some results, but your home quickly gets messy again?

• Do you find it difficult to start tidying? Perhaps you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where and how to start?

• Maybe you’ve started organising your home, but find it difficult to finish your tidying?

• Do you dream of a calm, clutter-free home where you can relax?

• Does your home make you feel guilty and stressed?

• Are your children’s toys taking over your home?

• Would you like a home that is always ready for visitors and video meetings?

• Do you spend too much time looking for stuff, not knowing where you put it? Perhaps even buying new items and ending up with duplicates? Have you had enough of this?

There are many other reasons why you might want to tidy, such as expecting a baby, moving house or after a loss. Whatever your reason, if you’d like to clear the clutter, contact Tidylicious now.

Make space for what matters

I’m here to help you if you’d like to clear the clutter and create time and (head) space for what matters most. Whatever that might be for you.

• More time with your children

• Reading a book and drinking a cup of tea (calm and guilt-free!)

• Starting or rekindling a hobby

• Inviting friends and family over without having to panic clean prior to their visit

• Better meal planning and enjoyable family meals

• Exercise

• Meditation

With my support, you can transform your home into a calm, clutter-free space.

By putting your home in order, you can start living a joyful and intentional life.

Does your home make you feel frustrated and irritated?

Being surrounded by too many things can make us feel distracted, stressed and anxious. A messy environment can make your home feel like a never-ending to-do list.

But your home shouldn’t be a place where it’s difficult to switch off and relax.

Imagine not wasting time any more on searching for lost items. I bet you won’t miss the frustration and stress either that usually accompanies these searches.

Choosing an outfit from an organised wardrobe with only clothes you love is easier and takes up less of your time.

You might tidy at the end of the day, or just before visitors arrive (or perhaps you’ve given up on this all together). This regular tidying is done in no time at all when there’s less to tidy and everything you own has its own storage space (and everyone you live with knows where this is!).

Fewer belongings and better storage will give you more time and more space – both head space and physical space. This is time and space gained to spend on your loved ones and your favourite activities.


“When you surround yourself with possessions that spark joy, you’ll create a home and life you love.”

Spark Joy, Marie Kondo

Home decluttering & organisation sessions

My decluttering and organisation sessions take place in-person, where I come to your home or office. Or online, where the sessions take place via video call.

I take a very hands-on approach (I love to get stuck in!) whilst coaching you through the process of decluttering and organising your space.

For your first session, you can choose to start with a half or full day. After that, you can book more single sessions or block book a package of 16, 30 or 60 hours. Booking a package works out more cost effective than booking single sessions.

Bath room with colourful flower wallpaper

“Clutter attracts clutter and calm attracts calm.”

Soulful Simplicity, Courtney Carver

single session

4 hours


£55 per hour

A single 4-hour session is good for small projects such as an under-the-stairs cupboard, or part of your kitchen or wardrobe. A single 4-hour session can also be used to make a start on a bigger project that you’ve been procrastinating on. Once you’ve made a start with me, this will probably seem a lot more manageable. After all, it’s often the starting that’s difficult! A single session can also be the first of several sessions with me.


16 hours


£49 per hour

This package can be divided into two full days of decluttering and organising, or four half days. If your home is quite small, or when you don’t have an overwhelming amount of stuff, we can get a lot done in 16 hours. If you’re happy to do ‘homework’ between our sessions, where you continue to declutter by yourself and proactively move unwanted items out of your home, you’ll see great results when booking a 16-hour package.


32 hours


£47 per hour

Maxi-licious is the most popular package. It’s for average sized homes, with an average amount of clutter. I use a methodical approach and work in categories. We can work on all categories/rooms, or you can pick and choose, depending on your decluttering needs and what kind of transformation you’re after. Imagine what it will feel like after 32 hours to have a home you love, that makes your life easier, calmer, and more fun.


60 hours


£45 per hour

Mighty-licious is for people who own quite a lot of “stuff”, and possibly have a larger house. It’s also ideal for people who know that they find it difficult to let go of items. This package allows you the time to talk about this, and to dig deep into the reasons why you’re holding onto items. If you live with other people and they are interested in decluttering and organising their items, you can share the hours in this package between you, making mighty-licious ideal for couples and families.

When booking a package, we decide together how you’d like to divide the hours over several sessions, but each session must be at least 4 hours. The first session usually includes a home tour.

In my FAQs you’ll find information about which areas in south east London I cover (and also that I’m happy to travel further afield), how many hours you might require, and I’ve tried to cover many more frequently asked questions. 

Booking in a Decluttering & Organising Session

The first step to booking Tidying Sessions (single or as part of a package) is to schedule a Free Consultation.

A Free Consultation is a 30-minute video call during which we talk about your tidying requirements, and it’s also a time where you can ask me any questions you might have. We’ll also look at both our diaries to find a date for your first session.


“The magic in letting go happens when you feel light, wherever that may be.”

Soulful Simplicity, Courtney Carver

"Thank you so much. I’m going to sleep now with a grin of satisfaction on my face just thinking of all the tidy clothes in my closet!"

Michèle, Peckham

"Hester is patient but persistent. I was able to get rid of more than I thought I would and it feels great!"

Melanie, Charlton

"I can’t express just how much Hester has helped me so far. It is so much more than decluttering. It also helps so much to let go of the past and move on!"

Rita, Brockley

"I didn’t know I could achieve so much by tidying and storing items in a different yet simple way. The time spent with Hester was both very productive and pleasant. The right comments always came at the right time and the results are amazing. It never felt so easy and effortless to keep my flat tidy, even with a child around."

Maggie, Lewisham